Zaccaria Pinball - Original Soundtrack FULL [REPACK]
Unlike most pinball games for the PC that stick to the tried-and-true method of replicating a pinball playfield, Quantic Pinball offers players very unusual playfields that look very different. With six original tables that offer very organic-looking gameplay, ball teleportation, multiball, and a hid and seek ramp, Quantic brings a new take to the genre.
Zaccaria Pinball - Original Soundtrack FULL
The neon artwork looks sleek and futuristic,and it offers a crisp and clear playfield on which to play. To escape from each table, the player must open a gateway by hitting the targets. Quantic suffers from only having one soundtrack, which can become a little monotonous, but for a low price, this is an interesting pinball game that offers something different.