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Ezekiel Moore

Smadav Pro 2018 V12.9.1 Final Key Full Version ^NEW^

  • SmadAV is an additional antivirus software that is designed to protect your computer. Additional protection for your computer, 100% compatible with other antivirus software! Works with your primary antivirus as an extra layer of defense. Best USB Antivirus (Total Protection USB drives)Prevent viruses that spread through USB stick drives. Best for offline use (no need to update very often) Designed to be used with computers that are rarely or not even connected to the internet. SmadAV does not need to be updated as often as other antivirus. (Regularly updates once a month). Cleaner and tools to clean the virus. SmadAV not only removes viruses but can also fix registry problems in infected machine.ATTENTION: Bookmarked Us and Get back for updates.Function of SmadavIt works with antivirus installed in your system to add more protection to your system.

  • It is word class for Protection of your USB Flash disk.

  • It provide protection for your pc and does not consume your computer resource i.e. it does not slow down your computer and can work with any antivirus installed in your system for maximum protection from virus.

  • It provide tools that can be used to clean virus from your computer and fix registry change made by virus.

  • Some of the tools include:One-Virus By-User: to manually add your suspect files for virus cleaning in your computer.

  • Process Manager: to manage processes and programs run in your computer.

  • System editor: to change some system options that usually changed by virus.

  • Win-Force: to force open some system management programs in Windows.

  • Smad-Lock: to immunize your drive from some virus infection - this is one of the most useful tool for USB Flash disk protection.

How to download SmadavOfficial website: How to Crack SmadavSteps on how to crack Smadav AntivirusDownload the latest SmadavTurn off your internet connectionOpen your SmadavGo to SettingsIn general settings tab, look for Smadav Pro registration - Enter Name and Key and click registerSmadav Revision and Features:Smadav Antivirus Pro 2018, 2019 v12.8.3, v12.8.2, v12.8.1, v12.8.0, v12.7.0, v12.7.1, v12.7.1, v12.7.3, v12.6.0, v12.6.1, v12.6.2, v12.6.3, v12.5.0, v12.5.1, v12.4.0, v12.4.1, v12.3, v12.3.1, v12.2, v12.2.0 and 12.2.1 is one of the most effective as well as very easy to use antivirus made in Indonesia. Smadav Antivirus provides added protection for your PC as well as your USB. Smadav Antivirus Pro 2019 v12.8.0, v12.8.1 and v12.8.2 is the latest version of smadav currently released.Smadav 2019 Rev. 12.8 Features:Removal of 330 virus databases and replaced with 133 popular virus databases,Improved BAT / VBS / Script virus detection techniques on USB Flashdisks,Improved techniques for generating hidden files on USB Flashdisks,Changes to description of terms and purchase agreements for Smadav Pro,Repair detection errors.Smadav 2019 Rev. 12.6.1 - 12.7.3 Features:Addition of 123 new virus databasesAddition of detection techniques for prevention of Rumba / STOP / DJVU / TFUDET RansomwareRepair of program errors (bugs) and error detectionSmadav 2019 Rev. 12.5.0 and 12.5.1 FeaturesAddition of a database of 200 new virusesEnhanced detection capabilities of Flashdisk and adware virusesChange in the theme of the Smadav 2019 displayRepair of errors / application bugsUpdate description of terms and agreements of Smadav Pro purchaseSmadav 2018 Rev. 11.8 - 12.4 Features:Improved whitelist feature with a new database that contains a list of 98 051 applications secureChange display theme SmadAV 2018Changes in the provisions of the purchase of a new license SmadAV Pro from lifetime to 1-yearImproving the ability of detection and cleaning of virus popularAdditional methods for sending PC program statistics to enhance reputation / whitelist featuresAdded automatic virus upload feature and automatic virus removal on a USB flashdiskBug fixes and automatic updatesNew features: Restart for better virus cleaningChange of appearance: Smadav Free will display messages every startupSmadav 2018 Rev. 12.1, 12.1.0 and 12.2.1 Features:Addition of 54 new virus detection databasesAddition of PC program statistical data transmission methods to enhance reputation / whitelist featuresBug fixes and automatic update capabilitiesSmadav 2018 Rev. 12.0 Features:Improved whitelist feature with a new database that lists 144,800 secure applicationsImproved popular virus detection and cleaning capabilities on USB FlashdiskMessage offers for Smadav Free users to upgrade to Smadav Pro.Smadav Antivirus Pro 2018 v11.9.1 Features:Improvement in detection and cleaning of popular virus in USB FlashdiskImprovement in reputation feature with new whitelist of clean appsFixing some false detectionImprovement in manual & automatic virus upload feature.Smadav Antivirus Pro 2018 v11.8 Features:I like to mention is very easy to use.It has a new theme.Fast in dectecting and cleaning folder shortcut Virus in USB.Smadav 2018 Rev. 11.8 Features:New theme for Smadav 2018.Improvement in detection and cleaning of folder/shortcut virus in USB Flashdisk.Changes in terms of purchasing new Smadav Pro license from lifetime to 1-year.Automatic virus upload feature and automatic virus cleaning in USB Flashdisk.Improvement in sending statistics for Smadav development.Smadav 2017 Rev. 11.1 - 11.7 Features:Main detection technology now using heuristic & whitelisting (file reputation).Sending usage of statistics to help improvement of Smadav.Improvement in detection and cleaning virus that spread via USB Flashdisk.Adding new Anti-Ransomware settings to protect PC from Ransomware (malware that holds your PC hostage : Cerber 3, Cerber 4, WannaCry 1, Wanna-Cry 2.0, etc.)Adding new feature (USB Anti-Exe) to block unknown programs in USB Flashdisk.Faster Scanning and Lower CPU resource usage.Fixing program bugs and false detection.Changes in feature differences between Free and Pro version.Smadav 2016 Rev. 10 Features:Anti-Ransomware for preventing from Ransomware that encrypt files (Cerber, Locky, Teslacrypt, etc.)Adding new Total Scan feature to clean unknown virus.Adding new feature to automatically unhide files in USB Flashdisk.Improvement for USB and Web Protection.Support for Windows 10 (Smadav can be used in Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10).and many other enhancements.

Smadav Pro 2018 V12.9.1 Final Key Full Version

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